Monday, May 25, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Path on the Edge of a Cliff - April 8th 2009

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Hermes said...

What a lovely blue sky and like your stairs pictures I want to peep over the top and see what comes next.

Debbie said...

Very nice. I agree with Hermes, I want to see over the top. I wonder what that view would reveal.

ELK said...

the title says it all ~great image!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes, Debbie and Elk,

I've taken other photographs along this path from time to time and posted them here. I think waht I'll do is write a post soon for LOOSE AND LEAFY about this path and show how the photos link in sequence and add some new ones in.

I feel very fortunate to have access to such places.


Girl Tornado said...

Another beautiful photo Lucy! I'd love to be walking along that path RIGHT NOW! So relaxing, I love a good hike.

Lucy Corrander said...

Oz Girl - I feel I am recording for history by photographing this path along the cliff because it won't last. Gradually, it is crumbling over the edge.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hermes, Debbie, Elk and Oz Girl - I've posted a post on LOOSE AND LEAFY for June 2nd which shows what happens if you walk further along this path. (That's the trouble with having decided to do only one picture a day; when one wants to show more, one has to switch to another blog. Lucky I have two already!)


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