I've read your explanation, Dot and I'll go back, later today, to see a photo of the ring.
It's quite astonishing seeing all those cheerful faces. I can't imagine being pleased about having something which tied me to my class so firmly, or even to my school.
Mind, even when I left school, my year asked not to have a special certificate giving. We re-met once just to say 'hello' . . . and that was it!
I don't think this is just to do with me and the friends I had then. I think it is more of a cultural thing - that for many people in Britain . . . we sit loose to 'belonging' and are never too keen on showing enthusiasm!
But I can tell from those joyful faces that it is very different with the young people in your photo!!!!!!!!
That water is so green. But works really well against the stone.
Morning Hermes
This pond was cleaned out recently. (It's in a park.) Still looks pretty murky though!
Never mind!
The end of.... everything is having an end!
Have a nice day!
That's a very dire comment, Bentonflocke!
Nice to see water instead of ice!!! Neat capture.
I answered your question about the ring on my blog and will post a photo of it later tonight!
I've read your explanation, Dot and I'll go back, later today, to see a photo of the ring.
It's quite astonishing seeing all those cheerful faces. I can't imagine being pleased about having something which tied me to my class so firmly, or even to my school.
Mind, even when I left school, my year asked not to have a special certificate giving. We re-met once just to say 'hello' . . . and that was it!
I don't think this is just to do with me and the friends I had then. I think it is more of a cultural thing - that for many people in Britain . . . we sit loose to 'belonging' and are never too keen on showing enthusiasm!
But I can tell from those joyful faces that it is very different with the young people in your photo!!!!!!!!
I really enjoy your perpective. Thanks for re inspiring me. Keep up the good work.
Cindi - that really is very special . . . to have contributed to someone's reinspiration!
Thank you!
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