Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Lucy Corrander - The Stems of Reeds in March - 5th March 2009

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Victoria Summerley said...

There's something very comforting about that straw colour and I've just worked out what it is: you only get it when the sun shines.

Hermes said...

I can just hear a reed bunting.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Victoria.

When I first had a flat of my own, I bought rush matting thinking it was practical and cheap. It may have been cheap but it wasn't in the least bit practical. (I think it was just a fashion.) Dust collected quickly and, very soon, it flattened and disintegrated. But it smelt nice. And it reminds me of my first home of my own. And independence. And trying to make things nice even though, in this particular, I failed.

If you hadn't raised the question of why this reed colour is comforting . . . I wouldn't have had such a rush of memories!


P.S. It's nice to see your picture popping up in the icon.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes.

I'm not too conscious of bird sounds right next to the sea until the terns arrive but, further up the bank, there are lots of dunnocks - and their song is very much like a lark's.


Dot O said...

Very pretty!

Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks, Dot.


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