Friday, December 11, 2009


Lucy Corrander  -  Branches  -  October 14th 2009  -  Sony DSC-T77


Gary said...

I was just looking out of my office window at the branches of our walnut tree looking dark against the fog and thinking must take a photo, then I opened your blog. Great picture, Gary

Ron Eklof said...

Xray of the sky
Shows its aorta and veins
The sap running through

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Gary.

I was so taken by the branches, I didn't look to see what kind of tree these branches belong to. It'll have to go onto my long list of things to go back and check.

I can't think of a walnut tree in my immediate area. Probably because they don't like the tropics!


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Ron.

I like the idea of the branches being an xray of the sky instead of something superimposed upon it. They do seem to give it structure, don't they? Like the tracery in the roof of a cathedral nave.


easygardener said...

Trees make great silhouettes against the sky. To me it gives them a sense of movement.
BTW - the three Karens commenting on my surrealistic post are only two, if that makes it any less strange. The dead squirrel count is up to 4.

Lucy Corrander said...

That's an interesting comment, Easygardener, because I find the silhouettes of trees peacefully static. Even when they are moving around (which these weren't on the day when I took the photo) . . . they remind me mostly of the outlines in stained glass windows or the tracery on a stone ceiling - both very still connections. Funny how it's only when we comment on a picture that we realise how differently we can see the world through the same imgage.

Oh, and squirrels and Karens. Gets bewildering!

. . . we watched a squirrel, today, move from the end of a very thin twig right up high in a tree to a very thin twig high in a tree on the other side of the path. Neither twig moved. It made us realised how incredibly insubstantial squirrels must be under their fur. I even wondered if they have hollow bones like birds. Were all four squirrels brought into your house? Sounds like a massacre!


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