Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Lucy Corrander  -  In a Pool of Light  -  October 29th 2009  -  Sony DSC-T77


Hermes said...

Superb - a ray of hope at a dark time of year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy, the light capture is pure magic, truly a pool of happy thoughts are stirred by gazing at the shades of green illuminated.


J said...

Hi Lucy, I saw your comment on my blog and answered it. If you have any in depth questions, your best bet is to email gail or facebook her: As I said in my comment, they will be looking for sponsorship for the processing - obvioiusly the village doesn't have the facilites to process the photos so it'll be undertaken elsewhere.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes and Frances.

I'm wary of seeing meaning in this photo. Many plants are coming up new either as a last fling or because they are hoping to skip winter altogether. It happens every year - lots of fresh greens, then, zap - frost. So it can't really be seen as a sign of hope.

On the other hand, these are definitely 'weeds'. No-one would want them in their garden. Yet, like this, they are beautiful. Sometimes, it feels a special honour that, with this blog, I can offer such small things publicity during their short moment in the sun; sort of give them a little stage to stand on.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello J.

Thanks for the extra information. I've been mulling this over and wondering what would happen if soldiers were handed cameras. Would they treasure life more?


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