Friday, November 6, 2009



Bim said...


Lucy Corrander said...

Morning Bim.

The little sideways smile of your comment is a like a line-drawing reflection of the ladybird.


Hermes said...

Definately intriquing. Ladybird surfing championship ?

Karen - An Artist's Garden said...

What a great shot - so unusual

Lucy Corrander said...

Morning, Hermes.

I suppose a good place to hibernate would be the prize?


Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Karen. I was really pleased the ladybird's feet can be seen. I don't think I've ever ladybirds' feet before - and they are so characterful.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

ha ha what fun!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Janet . . . The ladybird may well have found it a perplexing experience!


Gordon Mason said...

A sort of roulette here (and my icon is Oor Wullie - remember your St Andrews days!!)

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Gordon.

Funny that, how silly of me that I didn't spend any of those years studying Scottish culture. I know it's not the same thing . . . but I didn't read Viz when I lived in Newcastle either.


Lucy Corrander said...

So pleased, Darla, to have contributed a little cheerfulness to your day.

In relation to your post - one sign here that children are staying in more is the way our internet connections slow down when they come out of school. It's taken me about half an hour to read your comment here, visit your blog and come back.


Mo said...


Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Mo.


easygardener said...

I like that pic. Looks like the Ladybird is on a never ending glacier.
BTW - Regarding your comment about Starlings. I had a family visit this year but unfortunately Starlings never roost nearby. The family was noisy enough so I can imagine the noise from a large flock wheeling around.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Easygardener.

I thought 'ice' - but I like Hermes' idea of Ladybird Surfing Championship too!


Noelle Johnson said...

I just love ladybugs :)

Japa said...

Very interesting lady bug post. So neat. BTW, always many thanks for your honest words and appreciate your visit.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Noelle.

I too like Ladybirds . . . usually. This one was especially large and its spots were less precise, more splodgy than ladybirds I have come across before and I am hoping it was not an encounter with my first Harlequin.

I was photographing it for the purpose of seeing if it could be identified when I took this picture . . . which is fun but not much use to science, I suspect!


Lucy Corrander said...

Hi Japa.

Hope all is well.

Glad you like the ladybird photo!


Acornmoon said...

He looks like he is in a ladybird velodrome.

Lucy Corrander said...

Interesting that you call the Ladybird a 'he' Acornmoon because I think he's a 'he' too and I kept catching myself from talking about 'him' - because I don't know. He just looks like a 'he', doesn't he?

I see what you mean about a Velodrome . . . as well as a glacier and a wave and . . . a treadmill or a Doctor Who type timewarp . . . ?


Lucy Corrander said...

Interesting that you call the Ladybird a 'he' Acornmoon because I think he's a 'he' too and I kept catching myself from talking about 'him' - because I don't know. He just looks like a 'he', doesn't he?

I see what you mean about a Velodrome . . . as well as a glacier and a wave and . . . a treadmill or a Doctor Who type timewarp . . . ?


Anonymous said...


Catherine said...

I've seen lots of great ladybug photos, but yours is so very intriguing~fantastic capture Lucy!
Hope you are having a beautiful weekend!

joey said...

Clever and cute, Lucy :)

Lucy Corrander said...

Hi Joey and thanks.

It's a right-place-right-time moment.


Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Mo and Cat. Glad you too like the Ladybird photo.


Suburban Girl said...

This is a very cool shot!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Rebecca.

I was pleased this ladybird turned up when it did, when I had my camera to hand. It didn't exactly pose - but at least it walked slowly.


Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Sorry Lucy its taken me so long to come over and see your picture - its a great one too - and thats a Harlequin for sure that you've got there.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Leaves n Bloom. Thanks for the visit. I eventually showed this photo to an expert (and some which showed the back more clearly) and she confirmed it is a Harlequin. The white patches on the neck (which show better in some of my other photos) are a clincher.


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