Sunday, November 8, 2009


Lucy Corrander  -  Cyclist and Windsock  -  November 7th 2009  -  Sony DSC-T77


Hermes said...

That works so much better in monochrome. Great shot Lucy.

Lene said...

The one sunbeam aross the picture makes it so cool. Great captured :)

Anonymous said...

The all weather picture.
A new use for a windsock or is there a model aircraft club about?

Anne said...

Soooo nice, and agree with lene the one sunbeam `did` the picture.

Sunbeams also in Norway this ady, and me a trip in the wood with my camera, come over!!

Rune Eide said...

I have seen such windsocks along long, very exposed stretches of road in Denmark, and we have them here on bridges. And believe me - they are needed!!

Lucy Corrander said...

I agree, Lene - that sunbeam struck at just the right moment, and in the right place (for me!).)


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Aileni.

This is the causeway between Weymouth and Portland. The cross winds are strong in the winter and can sometimes be a danger to traffic as well as cyclists and pedestrians.

There are boats and naval and air-sea rescue helecopters here. It's a poplular place for sailboarders and kitesurfers too.

Quite a bleak stretch of road though.

And quite a busy life for a windsock.


SquirrelQueen said...

It does look like a windy place, from your comment I see the windsock stays busy. I love the rays of the sun coming across the photo.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes.

I'm glad you like this photo in Monochrome, Hermes. The light was such that some of the colour photos I took at the same spot look almost monochrome even though they are (theoretically at least!) in colour!)


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Anne.

I like the woods in autumn much better than I do in spring because it's wonderful to see the branches re-emerging.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Rune.

There's a bus stop with a shelter on the other side of the road. When there's a strong easterly wind you need to stand in it to avoid being blown in front of the traffic.

As you will notice though, from the posture of the cyclist, the weather when I took this photo (yesterday) was calm.


Gry said...

A great photo! And the sun is wonderful!

Mona Sweden said...

Lovely sunbeam. The lamppost is so tall. It seems to reach the sky.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Gry.

Not only was the sun welcome in the photo, it was welcome on the day too!


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Mona.

It's interesting that you remark on the height of the lamp-post. I see this road a lot but, until I came to take the photo, I hadn't realised how tall these particular lamp-posts are. And they are. It's not just the angle of the camera.


Sylvia said...

Resting to another stage, huh? Very nice view!

Anonymous said...

Those windsocks turn up all over the
Looks very cold and windy....

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Sylvia.

I remember, when I first cycled much, being very proud of myself when I learnt to go all the way into the town where I lived without touching the handlebars. Dangerous (wouldn't do it now!) but fun.


webruci said...

fantastic1 I like this one. the sky is stunning.

ElinSire said...

This is one really great shot! And the sunbeam across the picture, -just LOVE it!

Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Robert.

I'm glad you like the cyclist and windsock photo.


Lucy Corrander said...

Thank you, ElinSire.

I'm glad you left a comment because it led me to your own, very beautiful, pictures.


Tone said...

Great shot, and with a beautiful sunbeam!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Tone. Thank you.

It was a beautiful sunbeam - but there was no warmth in it.


Miranda said...

Very nice shot! Long stretch to be riding.

James said...

When the sun is fighting against you, just fight back by using it to make great pictures. The sun's rays look great. Well done

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Just you Again.

It is a long stretch - and by the nature of things, once it is over, there is more to come.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello James.

I make a habit of taking photos into the sun because I am often more interested in shape than in detail.


John said...

It looks like there was a stiff wind blowing; it's nice that the exposure has also got cloud detail.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello John.

The windsock is indicating direction (from the west) rather than strength of wind, which wasn't very strong yesterday morning. Where I was standing was also protected by Chesil Beach which is very high at that point. (Not a 'beach' at all but a huge mound of pebbles, several miles long). On the other side of Chesil Beach the sea tends to be very rough and at one point there is no land between it and the Bahamas - so the wind can be really tough there. However, on this stretch of road, it's the bitterly cold East Wind, coming straight up the English Channel that I particularly dislike!

I'm glad you mention the sky. It is something which specially pleased me in this photo.


XoXo said...

It works well with mono, great scene too.

Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Pacey.

Yes, it is an unusual place.


Maude Lynn said...

I love the light!

Robin said...

That sunbeam is remarkable. Great capture.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful light! Like the picture..

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Mama Zen.

Mentioning the light seems to fit your name.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Robin.

So much is down to chance. It's hard to plan for sunbeams but fortunate when they come!


Lucy Corrander said...

Thank you Kine.


Lucy Corrander said...

Oh! And Kine! Thank you for becoming a Follower!


Al said...

Yep looks like a nice place to go biking.

Lucy Corrander said...

You are right, Al. While I was looking at the cyclist, the cyclist would have been looking at the sea!


Marice said...

thats perfect! :)

u may view mine if u have time

Lucy Corrander said...

Thank you Marice.


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