Monday, November 23, 2009


Lucy Corrander  -  Bed-End  -  November 20th 2009  -  Sony DSC-T77


Hermes said...

Where's the presents sock ? or if you remember the old song, the chewing gum. Lovely light.

easygardener said...

I miss read it as Bad-End and was expecting a scene of the crime picture or a dead rodent. I watch too many crime shows.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes.

Perhaps I should have done a 'set up' and saved it for Christmas? I don't know the chewing gum song though.


Lucy Corrander said...

I hope you weren't too disappointed, Easy Gardener. I quite frequently mis-read titles and substitute much more interesting ones by mistake.

Dead rodents . . . not sure I've done one of those . . .


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

My dad always used to sing the chewing gum on your bed post song. thanks for a morning smile
here you go Lucy-

Hermes said...

Luckily Lucy you're way too young to remember this:


Dot O said...

Love the slats of light on the wood!

The end of bed is dull/boring and not worth photographing....

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