Saturday, October 31, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Rain on Felled Tree - October 24th 2009 - Sony DSC-T77


Bim said...

hm. all this autumn. I love the colours and the little conglomeration of leaves on the wet trunk but I wish it wasn't happening.

Lucy Corrander said...

Well, I thought brown would make a change from blue (lots of blue skies at present after a rather grey summer) but, as for autumn - I'm delighted. It's my favourite time of year - right out ahead of the other seasons, rain or no rain!


Noelle Johnson said...

I can almost 'smell' the rain and the wet tree.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Noelle.

I wish I'd registered, at the time, better how big this trunk is - around shoulder height.

And it was so warm and pleasant when I took the photo, I didn't mind the bursts of rain. Unlike today when it is pelting it down, the sky is full of it and the wind is up. (Quite warm though!)


Hermes said...

Certainly appropriate title for today. The rain has brought all the colours and textures out.

easygardener said...

I'm with Bim - I appreciate the Autumn colours but the dampness and grey skies make me gloomy. I wish I could hibernate.

Gordon Mason said...

Fantastic 'still life' composition. Suggest you send it in to next issue of Festival of the Trees

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes.

It's wonderful what the rain does for colours. Not only does it often bring out the richness of wood, some lichens change from yellow to green in what seems like an instant when rain falls on them.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Easy Gardener.

We may not be able to hibernate in a proper way - but moments of semi-hibernation . . . dozing off over a book or with the radio on . . . aren't they worth the weather?


Lucy Corrander said...

Gordon, you mentioned The Festival of the Trees once before in relation to LOOSE AND LEAFY. I'll keep an eye open on it for next month. Submissions are already in for the current theme.


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