Friday, October 23, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Looking Towards Purbeck - October 23rd 2009 - Sony DSC-T77


Hermes said...

Great picture Lucy - that sky looks pretty threatening though. Was it taken yesterday ? I got soaked.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Great colors Lucy. Too often water pictures are bright and blue and sparkly. I like this!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes.

Yes, it was yesterday morning.

We had had a heavy burst earlier and a couple later but it was wonderful at that moment. It was breezy without being unpleasant; the temperature mild. Every so often there would be a bit of a shower but brief bursts of sunshine made it very pleasant.

But the sea was very rough - unusually so for the eastern side of the peninsula - and where the walls of Portland Harbour usually keep it quite calm. (Not like the raging which happens against Chesil Beach.)

So I found it quite exciting being down there. Lovely.



Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Janet.

This is an unusual colour for this stretch of water, Janet.

As I was saying to Hermes, it is usually very calm there but, yesterday, instead of being to see right through the water, the waves were churning the sand - hence the browniness, especially in the bit closest to the shore.

But when it is sunshine and clear skies - no-where, I think, could the water be more intensely blue. I caught it on an interesting day.


James said...

Great picture Luce. I love to see threatening clouds over water. You have that and much more here.

J said...

It's refreshing to see a shot of the wild coastline, looking, well, wild. And I'm actually very taken with the colour of the moody, stormish sea.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello James.

Today (Saturday) is full-moon - so it's a spring tide - which is when the sea comes in higher than usual (though the no-moon spring-tides are higher than the full moon ones). On Thursday (when I took this photo) the water was already much further up the beach than it usually is.

I was lucky to go out when I did.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello J. I think we are really lucky in this area that we don't have breakwaters. Without them, I find the sight of a rough or stormy sea exhilirating.


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