I'm glad you called by today because I was thinking about you this morning, wondering how you are doing . . . I'm on my way over to your blog now to find out!
Looks an area of quicksand - which has swallowed a whole car! You were asking about the size of the Correa flowers in my last post - they are about an inch and a half long.
This is a neat photo!
Thanks Dot.
I'm glad you called by today because I was thinking about you this morning, wondering how you are doing . . . I'm on my way over to your blog now to find out!
Looks an area of quicksand - which has swallowed a whole car!
You were asking about the size of the Correa flowers in my last post - they are about an inch and a half long.
I really like that. It would be great to spin a story around - even the title is just right.
Hello Easy Gardener
There was I thinking the photo of the Hut and the Tyre was all peaceful, with a kind of remote feel to it . . . and now !
The Correa flowers turn out to be bigger than I has guessed.
Oh, Hermes . . . and you think there's a car and a story in this too!
This one's my favorite. Very cool angle and the tire is perfect in the shot. (I'll call the farm Rockin' Baby Boat Farm")
Frank - I'm so glad you like the 'Hut and Tyre' photo. It's one of my favourites too.
Good luck with the farm!
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