Thursday, September 24, 2009


Lucy Corrander - TOMATO - Sweet Olive f1 Hybrid

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Acornmoon said...

Hi Lucy,

thanks for your very supportive comments, as always it is a pleasure to visit your blog.

I love the tin can by the way!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Valerie.

Well, it seems you are simultaneously having a happy and worrying time - a tumult of emotions that many of us will identify with in one way or another.

Glad you like the tin can. It's surprising how many opportunities rubbish on the beach provides for an interesting (even beautiful at times) picture.

Hope all goes well over the next few months.


Mo said...

Love the tomatoes. Re the chess in Trfalgar Square, it finished yesterday

Karen - An Artist's Garden said...

Still green then?

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Karen - some are, some are red. A lot are eaten . . . quite a few still to come.

(If only we liked chutney!)

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Mo.

Glad you like the tomato photo.

It isn't often I wish London were more easily accessible - but those chess pieces looked really interesting.


Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Ooh, fuzzy! But why the glorious tomato has to likened to the @#$% olive is beyond me--HA! Signed, the olive hater

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Moncica the Olive Hater!

I suppose you could call them 'mini-plums' because that's what they are . . . like plum tomatoes only smaller. (Not as small as olives though!)

But I think they aren't to be enormously recommended because they are very expensive (£3:00 for eight seeds) and don't have the flavour of Gardeners' Delight. (At least, these don't.)


Girl Tornado said...

Beautiful shot, such clarity and detail!

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