Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Leaves on a Rock - July 12th 2009


bentonflocke said...

sorry, I was busy and uninspired the last days!

But I always looked at your pictures!

They are all great!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Angelika

That is a really nice of you to leave this note.

I am very busy at present too . . . and there are several 'life events' which are taking up a lot of emotional energy so I'm only rarely looking at other people's blogs and am finding it hard even to keep to the discipline of posting a photo each day here. In fact, there are times when I think I should stop for a bit so I can concentrate solely on family matters. However, I also value this moment of pausing and reflecting that posting a daily picture provides.

When I have time I'll do lots of catching up with what other people are doing but, meanwhile, it is kind of you to let me know that you have been here looking at the photos, even though you (like me!) are being distracted by other things.


Hermes said...

What wonderful contrasts. I actually find blogging relaxing and a diversion away from 'life' problems.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes.

I like the patterns on this rock and the way the prehistoric shells are emerging as the softer stone is worn away.

I must say, though, I would be finding the distraction of this blog even more refreshing if I weren't so frustrated by my new camera which has the lens off to the left - which makes it very difficult to compose the shots.


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