Sunday, July 26, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Hut - Wrapped - July 12th 2009 - sony DSC-T77

This is the HUT AT CASTLE COVE - except when I photographed it first . . . it wasn't wrapped!
Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Hermes said...

Looks like it is waiting to be posted elsewhere!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Hermes - it does look as if it is ready for posting . . . though I worry that when the wrapping is removed, it will have been transformed into something else entirely. One ominous sign is that a door with a proper handle as been put in the side of it - and there would only be a point in that if it has already lost its open-fronted-ness. It's a bit sinister really.


Hermes said...

It could be the new Tardis Lucy. I rather like things wrapped up, reminds me of Christmas.

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