It looks like part of a dream. I do like B&W, but colour adds so much warmth (eg your trouser leg and Choisya (that is a very strange word to spell, I had to check it 3 times)).
I'm glad you said that about 'Choisya'. I keep spelling it with an 'i'. The html for that page has 'Choisia' because, although I had already checked (I had to look it up too!) my hands still wrote it with an 'i' as if automatically. (Though not automatically because I'd never had to write it down before!)
Wonderful, Lucy! Black and white transfers us to a different world.
Works really well in b&w, looks more mysterious and full of hidden life.
Thanks Tatyana and Hermes.
Sometimes, I'm tempted to go back completely to black and white.
I can see the attraction Lucy, b&w adds a sense of depth and texture that even a good colour photo misses somehow.
It looks like part of a dream. I do like B&W, but colour adds so much warmth (eg your trouser leg and Choisya (that is a very strange word to spell, I had to check it 3 times)).
Happy Mouffetard.
I'm glad you said that about 'Choisya'. I keep spelling it with an 'i'. The html for that page has 'Choisia' because, although I had already checked (I had to look it up too!) my hands still wrote it with an 'i' as if automatically. (Though not automatically because I'd never had to write it down before!)
I like this! Black and white is just so interesting. Gives the photo a totally different feeling.
Hello Dot.
You're right. The feeling you get from black and white is completely different from that which you get with colour.
I took this at the same time as
- simply swung the camera slightly to the right (and up) and changed to black and white. An extraordinary change in atmosphere.
The B&W world!
Hi Moses.
It shows the structure of things, doesn't it?
I do so love b&w photos... this one has an other-worldly quality to it. Great capture Lucy!
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