Sunday, May 3, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Kite Festival - Weymouth - May 2nd 2009

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Hermes said...

We have a lot of kite flying around here (from the White Horse escarpment) and you have caught them well. I like Weymouth too by the way.

Lucy Corrander said...

I took this photo yesterday when people were practising. The competitions and exhibitions will be today. (And more tomorrow morning, I think.) It's brilliant in sunny weather. (Pretty dismal otherwise!)


Dot O said...

Beautiful photo! The kites are just so colorful - they'd plummet to the ground here today with the rain!!

Great capture!

bentonflocke said...

wonderful kites - great how you captured them!!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hi Dot and Angelika.

I'm glad I went to look at the kites the day before the festival 'proper' started because the sky was less blue once it began and, now it is Monday, it has gone back to grey.


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