Friday, May 15, 2009


Lucy Corrander - Flower Head - May 14th 2009

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Hermes said...

I love that sky and contrast Lucy. Was it filtered or an evening sky ?

SaraG said...

pretty picture. love the color

Lucy Corrander said...

The camera was set on sepia, Hermes. (Not that this seems exactly 'sepia' to me.) And it was taken on a very overcast and dull morning a couple of days ago.


Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Sara. The camera-phone I used all the time until recently had a sepia setting with a much deeper, darker colour. That didn't conform with my idea of sepia any more than does the sepia setting on my new camera. It's interesting how different 'machines' produce such radically different results and instead of something stark, this picture has, as you say, turned out surprisingly pretty.

(I'm hoping it's a bit stark too!)


bentonflocke said...

wonderful shot!

Have a nice weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

It's lovely! Have a great weekend and thank you very much for stopping by my blog.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Denise.

I hope you have a good weekend too. I like to drop by your blog from time to time.

I'm not a great fan of Museums. However interesting they are, and however much I like individual ones - they can have the atmosphere of strangely lonely places; I think it must be something to do with the disjointedness of the exhibits. But your posts on The Museum of American History make me wish I could visit there . . . possibly for several days! Maybe that is because of the wax-works. Whatever they look like in real life, the photos make them look as if they are relating with each other as human crowds would do.


Lucy Corrander said...

Angelika - hope you also have a good weekend and that your son continues to recover.

Best wishes.


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