Heather - it is a bit weird. It's more dramatic than I expected when I took it. That's what comes of taking a photo more or less directly into the sun. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes you get something other than you think.
P.S. I'm not sure anything can be 'more or less' directly. Someone on the radio this morning who said 'more minorly' and I've got mesmerised by idea.
Hello Dot - all I can think is that the second dot is reflection from a helecopter or a plane. I'd guess a helecopter. There are a lot round here. The navy, police and air-sea rescue all have them.
Other than that, I'm stuck. I've checked the photos I took immediately before and after this and there's nothing on them so I'm pretty certain it was something in the sky and not on the lens.
I was focusing my attention on the plastic tie and didn't notice at the time!
P.S. While thinking of grammar - can anyone help with the title of this post . . . should it be 'seem' or 'seems'? I keep changing my mind and neither seems right.
Is that the Moon then Lucy or some weird reflection ?
It's not the moon, Hermes. I took this photo yesterday morning (30th March 2009) and the moon is very slim at present.
I'm wondering if it might have been a helecopter. That's all I can think.
Nice picture - nature and human invention. I think when all life on the earth is obliterated those plastic ties will still be there.
Weird - but beautiful colours :)
Such a cool photograph! Just what is that "second sun"?
Easy Gardener - that's a pretty profound comment!
Heather - it is a bit weird. It's more dramatic than I expected when I took it. That's what comes of taking a photo more or less directly into the sun. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes you get something other than you think.
P.S. I'm not sure anything can be 'more or less' directly. Someone on the radio this morning who said 'more minorly' and I've got mesmerised by idea.
Hello Dot - all I can think is that the second dot is reflection from a helecopter or a plane. I'd guess a helecopter. There are a lot round here. The navy, police and air-sea rescue all have them.
Other than that, I'm stuck. I've checked the photos I took immediately before and after this and there's nothing on them so I'm pretty certain it was something in the sky and not on the lens.
I was focusing my attention on the plastic tie and didn't notice at the time!
P.S. While thinking of grammar - can anyone help with the title of this post . . . should it be 'seem' or 'seems'? I keep changing my mind and neither seems right.
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