Monday, November 24, 2008


Lucy Corrander - Arch of Wood - 19th November 2008

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Hermes said...

Lovely. I could have climbed that once.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hermes - you would probably have been unwise to do so. It's an old buddleia. I think it would split and crack easily.

Mind, I was having to hang on to part of the tree with my left hand while I took the photo with my right and somebody's dog was sniffing and bouncing round my ankles wondering what I was doing and I didn't dare turn round to see who owned it in case I lost my balance and fell down the small bank.


Naturegirl said...

I find all the twists and turns on tree branches very mytical..what story could they tell of their journey this way and that..a mystery!

Anonymous said...

There is something special about bark and wood. I've always fancied having a dead tree trunk in the garden - to watch it slowly decay and attract wildlife etc.

Lucy Corrander said...

Nature Girl - I love old wood, whether in the home or in the hedgerow. As you say, it confronts us immediately with its history.


Lucy Corrander said...

Easy Gardener - do you have room for a piece of wood? Sounds like a good idea - sculptural.

You could have a stumpery!


Catherine said...

Just beautiful! All of your captures are! I see you are my first follower on my blog!:) And you are a girl after my own heart~I often think I'm the only one who finds beauty in an arch of wood or dead leaves on steps...your captures are amazing!
Great work!
Happy New Year!

Lucy Corrander said...

Thanks Cat.

I think it's because I see the world in bits, the shape of something before 'what it is'.

When I was a child, I used to wish I had a twin - someone who would see things, understand things (especially me!) and think about things in the same way. Now I'm grown up, I think my camera is propably my twin! We rarely disagree!


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