Thursday, October 9, 2008


Lucy Corrander - The Latest State of the Bike

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


The Weaver of Grass said...

Gosh Lucy - you are up early! Like The Bijke. It reminds me of a poem by Norman NcCaig - do you know it? Can't remember the title but it is about a hind's skeleton on one loch beach and a wrecked boat on another and how they come to resemble one another over the years so that finally they are indistinguishable. Thoughjt I would mention poetry as it is National Poetry Day today! Have a nice day.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sorry about the mis-spelling of bike - have made it sound Icelandic (not a nice association at the moment with the credit cruch!

Hermes said...

Something like rust to rust is called for. Great picture.

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello, Weaver of Grass - your comment on the picture of the WALL reminded me I didn't say that I looked up the McCaig poem.

It's one I heard a few years back and then forgot - it was good to be re-introduced.

(I found it on the internet so I hope I read the whole thing. Sometimes internet poems are truncated. Very irritating and misleading!)


Lucy Corrander said...

Hermes . . . about the bike in the sea . . . I suppose one could just keep adding 'rust', rust to rust to rust to . . .

Mind, I've been more impressed by its resilince so far than by its disintegration.

I'm surprised anything of it is left.


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