Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Lucy Corrander - Green Squash

Scroll Down for a Bigger Picture


Acornmoon said...

this looks like the birth of a star!

Lucy Corrander said...

What a brilliant idea!

Perhaps you have just chosen my Christmas card.


Linda said...

That could almost be one of my Monday Mystery photos.
Any luck with commenting on my blog yet?

Sue said...

Hi, Lucy!
I recently discovered your blog and now have it pasted to my favorites! I love your work and was wondering if you would mind sharing what camera you use? I am in the market for a new one and am asking fellow bloggers/photographers their ideas on the matter.

THANKS and have a GREAT day!!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Lucy - I got half a picture to start with and I thought it was a peacock's tail!

Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Crafty

Yes. The comment page opened immediately on my latest visit.

It wouldn't open at all before - just an empty pop-up. This is strange because I haven't had the same problem with the pop-up comment box on other blogs. Thanks for making the change to full page - but if the pop-up has advantages for you and other readers, do change it back! I can always contact you through Blotanical.


Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Sue


You ask about my camera.

All these photos are taken on a mobile phone, a Samsung - SGH- D900 I Edge Quad Band.

I use it only as a camera, not as a phone.

It has limitations - the zoom bends things too much so I don't use it. And, instead of a flash, it has a little beam of light (pros and cons with that one).

But it has advantages too. I like the photos it takes (a lot). The lens seems better than with any 'proper' camera I could buy for the same price and it fits in my hand - so I have it with me all the time.



Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Weaver of Grass

I put a piece of paper across a print and see what you mean!


HappyMouffetard said...

Acornmoon beat me to it - I was jut going to type 'like a star being born, space portrayed as a vegetable'.

ELK said...

lucy ~ what wonderful images ~ im glad i arrived

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